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A cross-post, with commentary by Andy Worthington, of a devastating attack on the credibility and legitimacy of Guantánamo’s military commissions by Chief Defense Counsel Brig. Gen. John G. Baker.
A cross-post - plus Andy Worthington's introduction - of an op-ed about "high-value detainee" and torture victim Abu Zubaydah by Joseph Margulies, one of his attorneys.
Andy Worthington writes about how it is exactly ten years since 14 "high-value detainees" arrived at Guantánamo from CIA "black sites," and how, shamefully, most are still awaiting anything resembling justice.
Andy Worthington examines recent polling demonstrating that a majority of Americans think that those still held at Guantánamo should either be tried or released.
Promoting the next stage of the Countdown to Close Guantánamo, on Aug. 22, when President Obama will have just 150 days left to close the prison. Please join us and send a photo!
Andy Worthington shares the good news from Guantánamo - about Mohamedou Ould Slahi, author of Guantánamo Diary, being approved for release.